Parent Portal


December 1 - 6C's Classroom Celebration (teachers will send home information on this)

December 2 - Term 1 Reports go home

December 5 - Family/Teacher Conferences (virtually, phone or in-person)

December 5 - Students dismissed early (11:00 a.m.)

December 12 - Winter Concert (Grade 2 performing)

December 20 - Last day of school before holidays

January 6 - Return to School

January 24 - Kinderstart

Meet the Staff!

Click HERE to meet our 2024-25 staff!


7:55 a.m. Doors open for all students 

8:05 a.m. ALL students should be in their homerooms

8:10 a.m. Classes begin

10:10-10:25 Recess

12:25 p.m.-1:13 p.m. Lunch 

1:15 p.m. Classes continue

2:15 p.m. Dismissal


This system will allow families to make payments to the school online for most things ie. paying for a field trip fee, making a donation or simply paying a facility rental fee; this can now be done through our Rycor online system.

CHE will reduce the number of hard copy forms for families to complete. Most of these forms can now all be done through Rycor using its online forms functionality!

Kindergarten to Grade 6 Families: Families of students in Grade K-6 will need to go to Rycor's NLSchools login page and create an account. Once created, they will be able to add their child to their account by entering their child's Student Number and some other student information (for confidentiality purposes).

Grade 7 Families: Families who have a student in Grade 7-12 AND a student in Grade K-6 can access their Rycor account through their Powerschool Parent Portal account by clicking on the School Fees and Forms link once logged in.

Parents & School Community Members - Support
For NLSchools Rycor account support, please complete a Rycor ticket here.

Unexpected School Closures

In the event of a school closure during the day (power failure, inclement weather, water problems, or other emergency), we will use the Synrevoice phone system to contact you. For this reason, it is important that parents inform us of any changes in your daytime contact numbers. We also request that if possible, please email your child’s teacher to confirm that you have received the message about the unexpected closure. Our phone lines are very busy during these days and this will allow our phone lines to be kept open so that we can ensure that we make contact with all families about appropriate dismissal. Please listen to our local radio stations for school information or check the school district website at, as decisions for school closures in the morning due to weather are made by the district office, usually no later than 6:30 a.m.


We are a scent-free school, if you are sending in hand sanitizer for your child(ren) to use, please ensure it is non-scented. We will have non-scented hand sanitizer in each room.

We have many students with severe, life-threatening allergies and we must ensure our school is free of:

Nuts (including peanuts, tree nuts and nut products)




Sesame Seeds (including Hummus)

*Please alert your child’s teacher as soon as possible if your child has any serious medical conditions or life threatening allergies. There is also a place for this data on the student data sheet.

We ask that parents refrain from sending in food items which contain any of these products. The district has determined that given the similarities in appearance, texture and taste of Soy Butter products, they are also restricted in our schools where a student has a peanut allergy. Please help keep everyone safe by following this policy.