Cowan Heights Elementary
100 Canada Drive, St. John's, NL, A1E 2M8
Tel Number: (709) 745-1700 Fax Number: (709) 745-2694
YMCA Youth Exchange Program Fundraiser
We are excited to share that our school has secured a grant to cover the flights and accommodations for 15 students to visit Gatineau/Ottawa as part of the YMCA Youth Exchange Program! This incredible opportunity will allow our students to engage in cultural exchange and hands-on learning with their peers from Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School in Gatineau.
In May, a group of 21 students from Gatineau will visit us to continue the exchange. While the grant covers travel expenses, we are fundraising to help offset food and local transportation costs, as public transportation doesn’t fully meet the needs for the planned activities.
We’re eager to provide our twin group with the same enriching experience and to showcase the beauty of Newfoundland. Some of the exciting highlights of their visit will include a tour of Petty Harbour to learn about Newfoundland’s fishing heritage, a trip to the mine on Bell Island, a visit to Signal Hill and Cape Spear, and participation in the Outdoor Group Program at Rotary Park.
To support our fundraising efforts, the Grade 7 students will be hosting a St. Patrick's Day Dance for students in Grades K-6 on the last Friday of March, March 28th from 1:15-2:15 PM. The cost to attend will be $2, which can be paid on Rycor.
If students do not wish to attend the dance, they will remain in their classrooms.
Thank you for your support as we make this exchange an unforgettable experience for our students!
Term 2 Reports were sent home March 21, 2025. Teachers will be in touch with you regarding a scheduled time. Families can attend conferences in-person, or via Google Meet/Phone.
Family/Teacher Conferences will take place 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 27, 2025 with the last appointment time scheduled for 6:20 p.m.
Please note: Students will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, March 27, 2024
Grade 6 DARE Program
Our Grade 6 students are taking part in the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program during Term 2.
This year millions of school children around the world will benefit from D.A.R.E., the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence.
D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 and has proven so successful that it has been implemented in thousands of schools throughout Canada and many other countries.
D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led (Royal NL Constabulary) series of classroom lessons that teaches children how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives.
Early Dismissals
Changes to Early Dismissal Procedures
All K-6 parents must reach out to their child’s homeroom teacher via email on the day of an early closure to ensure that each teacher has accurate dismissal instructions. This communication will help ensure that each student is safely and appropriately dismissed. Family circumstances can change and it is important that your child’s teacher has the most up to date information to ensure all students are dismissed safely. The Early Closure Form filled out at the beginning of the year will no longer be used to determine dismissal instructions.
It is important to note that the school has a limited number of phone lines, and it will be challenging to reach us by phone in the event of an early closure. Email communication to your child’s homeroom teacher is the most effective way to convey your dismissal plans.
Check your email inbox often on early closure days, as your child’s teacher will be sending an email with specific details, including the scheduled time for buses to leave the parking lot. This information will assist you in determining the best plan for your child’s dismissal.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us ensure the safety of all students during unexpected early closures. Thank you for your cooperation and support during this time.
Each year there are 6 Professional Learning Days for Staff throughout NLSchools.
Below is a list of CHE Closeouts. Please note the 1 day NLSchools wide close has not been scheduled yet. Some topics covered will be: School Development, New Curriculum, First Aid/CPI, Reporting, Data Analysis, Deep Learning, Indigenous Education, etc.
Below are the dates for CHE. Please note that after school programs may operate on these days.
October 7, 2024
November 1, 2024
November 18, 2024
February 10, 2025
March 10, 2025
June 9, 2025
Early Dismissal Days - December 5 and March 27 - All students dismissed at 11 a.m. for Family/Teacher Conferences.
Ronald McDonald House Pull Tab Collection
We have started a Pull Tab Collection Program here at Cowan, to support the Ronald McDonald House in St. John's. Just another little way for our students to contribute to a meaningful cause while also caring for the environment. By collecting pull tabs from cans, we help RMH provide a home away from home for families with a sick or injured child.
This does not take away from our recycling drives - tabs must be removed from the cans. Families can save up their tabs in a container or ziplock bag and then just drop off their tabs in our LLC. At the end of the year we will deliver the collected tabs to the Ronald McDonald House.
We almost have our first container filled!!!
Check out our Welcome Back Memo!
Kiss and Ride
After careful consideration, the new busing announcement from NL Government, and our June Pilot
we have decided to suspend Kiss and Ride services for this school year.
We ask families to:
Utilize the Bus System: All students are now eligible for bus transportation (please note you must be in our school zone and register with on the Parent Bus Portal). We encourage you to take advantage of this convenient and safe option.
Utilize Family Parking: You may park in one of our two lower parking lots and either let your child out to walk to their entrance or walk with them.
Our main goals are to:
Improve Safety: Reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safer environment for everyone.
Improve Time on Task: Ensure staff and students can start their day on time and with minimal delays.
Reduce Traffic: Alleviate congestion on the surrounding streets for smoother traffic flow.
We understand that many of you cherish the daily interactions during the Kiss and Ride service, as we do. Rest assured, we will continue to be present at the main entrances to greet students each morning once the buses have cleared the lot.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we strive to enhance the safety and efficiency of our school operations. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
We are a scent-free school. Please be mindful when using hair products, hand sanitizer, perfumes etc. Please note that there maybe more items added to the below allergy list.
We have many students with severe, life-threatening allergies and we must ensure our school is free of:
Nuts (including peanuts, tree nuts and nut products)
Sesame Seeds (including products containing sesame oil, seeds, tahini, and hummus)
*Please alert your child’s teacher as soon as possible if your child has any serious medical conditions or life threatening allergies. There is also a place for this data on the student data sheet.
We ask that families refrain from sending in food items which contain any of the above products. The district has determined that given the similarities in appearance, texture and taste of Soy Butter products, they are also restricted in our schools where a student has a peanut allergy.
Please help keep everyone safe by following this policy.
Registration and information about meal ordering will be sent home in September. Parents must register before they can order meals!
7:55 am – Doors open
8:10 am – Instruction begins
10:10 – 10:25 am – Recess
12:25 – 1:15 pm – Lunch
2:15 pm Dismissal